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For reviewers

Reviewers play a crucial role in ensuring the quality of the papers published in the MPER Journal. All submitted manuscripts are subjected to an anonymous peer review process to ensure the integrity, quality, and originality of the research. Reviewers remain unaware of the authors' identities, and authors do not know the reviewers' identities to maintain objectivity. Please read the general guidelines for reviewing articles in Multidisciplinarni Pristupi u Edukaciji i Rehabilitaciji (MPER) below:

  1. Purpose of Review: The main objective of the review is to evaluate the quality and value of the article and provide constructive and fair feedback to the authors.

  2. Feedback: Please provide your feedback in a constructive, fair, and clear manner. Specify your comments, criticisms, and praises in detail to help the authors improve the article. You should also provide clear and specific suggestions for improvement wherever possible.

  3. Objectivity: Please write your report objectively. The review should be impartial, based on facts and analysis of the article.

  4. Confidentiality: Please treat all information about the article and the report as confidential and do not share it with others without the explicit permission of MPER.

  5. Conflict of Interest: Please inform us if there is any conflict of interest that could affect your ability to review the article.

  6. Deadlines: Please adhere to the deadlines set for the review of the article.


You can download the review form here. If you have any questions or concerns about the article review, please contact us at



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